Aging Gracefully: 5 Accessible Tips to Keep Your Senior Dog Mentally And Physically Healthy

4 min readJul 13, 2023


Companion dogs do not just love their caretakers, they are devoted and attached to them. Just like old humans, older dogs not only lose their energy, but they face age-related health issues.

Being a dog parent, it’s necessary to be aware of every health change in your dog because he needs different care. According to the study, 11–14 years dogs are considered senior dogs.

As a caregiver, it is your responsibility to keep your aged dog mentally and physically healthy. Here are some tips for keeping your senior dog healthy.

Choose a Healthy Nutrition Plan

As a dog parent, what do you want to give your dog the best of everything? A diet plan that’s full of protein, fiber, and vitamins; but how do you pick an excellent one?

You must need to search for those senior dog food brands that serve high protein, low fat, and joint-supporting supplements. However, it’s always suggested to confer with your veterinarian before making any modification to your dog food. It helps in maintaining the dog’s mentally and physically healthy.

Provide Suitable Exercise

Are you looking for an active lifestyle for your dog as his mobility is reducing day by day? Dogs love going for walk, regardless of age. Grass and sand are recommended surfaces for dog walks.

In addition, your dog will enjoy playing different games with you like fetch and hide-seek treats. Just like humans, dogs can also go through anxiety and stress disorders. These games and exercises act as dog mental health therapy.

Keep Your Eye on Dog’s Vision and Hearing

Dogs are physically, mentally, and emotionally gifted creatures that are renowned for loyalty and full of love. Just because your dog is blind, doesn’t mean he can’t enjoy a top-notch life. If your dog lost vision, keep the furniture in the same place.

Moreover, it’s necessary to notify other people who interact with your dog like dog walkers, and groomers.

If your dog has lost hearing, you can direct him by using hand signals. Furthermore, you can use a vibrating collar to acquire his concentration.

Try to Ease Anxiety

As you probably know old dog prefers a quieter and more comfortable environment. Additionally, a massage will calm him and provide him with a soft and cozy bed.

Also, try to minimize loud noises at your home and other stress which help him to become active and perform the function of a dog mental health therapy. Recent research suggests; 14% of all dogs are prone to separation anxiety.

Avoid Extreme Temperature

A senior dog is more sensitive to temperature changes, therefore you should keep him in an easy environment. Severe ways are useful to keep your old dog mentally and physically healthy during the hottest months of the year;

  • Take your dog to swim
  • Paws must be covered
  • Wrap in a cool towel

Sum Up

As you know, there’s a huge difference between a young dog and an old one. With the increasing age of your dog, his health goes down.

With the appropriate attention and care, your dog can reduce stress, and encourage exercise. However, being a parent of an old dog, you can help him age gracefully and live a healthier life.


Dog mentally and physically healthy

Physically mentally and (volume: 2400 KD: 14)

Dog mental health therapy (volume: 10 KD: 09)

Keywords density (1.22%)

